bold for lab members or visiting scholars
Yang, Z., Li, J., Xiao, R., Zhang, C., Ma, X., Du, G., Li G., & Jiang, L. (2024). Losses of low‐germinating, slow‐growing species prevent grassland composition recovery from nutrient amendment. Global Change Biology, 30(4), e17264.
Zhu, J., Zhang, Y., Wu, J., Zhang, X., Yu, G., Shen, Z., Yang, X., He, Y., Jiang, L., & Hautier, Y. (2024). Herbivore exclusion stabilizes alpine grassland biomass production across spatial scales. Global Change Biology, 30(1), e17155.
Zuo, Y., Southard, M., Xu, Q., Zhang, G., Skibinski, E., Moon, N., Gan, L., Chen, Y., & Jiang, L. (2024). Cell size‐dependent species sensitivity to nanoparticles underlies changes in phytoplankton diversity and productivity. Global Change Biology, 30(1), e17049.
Wang, Y., Wang, C., Ren, F., Jing, X., Ma, W., He, J. S., & Jiang, L. (2023). Asymmetric response of aboveground and belowground temporal stability to nitrogen and phosphorus addition in a Tibetan alpine grassland. Global Change Biology, 29(24), 7072-7084.
Xu, Z., H. Liu, Y. Meng, J. Yin, H. Ren, M. Li, S. Yang, S. Tang, Y. Jiang, & L. Jiang. 2023. Nitrogen addition and mowing alter drought resistance and recovery of grassland communities. Science China Life Sciences.
Yang, X., Wang, P., Xiao, B., Xu, Q., Guo, Q., Li, S.-p., Guo, L., Deng, M., Lu, J., Liu, L., Ma, K., Schmid, B. and Jiang, L. (2023), Different assembly mechanisms of leaf epiphytic and endophytic bacterial communities underlie their higher diversity in more diverse forests. J Ecol. Accepted Author Manuscript.
2021). Functional traits explain the consistent resistance of biodiversity to plant invasion under nitrogen enrichment. Ecology Letters, 1–12.
, , , , , , , , , & (
2021). Ethylene-regulated leaf lifespan explains divergent responses of plant productivity to warming among three hydrologically different growing seasons. Global Change Biology, 27, 4169– 4180.
, , , , & (Liu, W., Liu, L., Yang, X., Deng, M., Wang, Z., Wang, P., Yang, S., Li, P., Peng, Z., Yang, L. and Jiang, L. 2021. Long-term nitrogen input alters plant and soil bacterial, but not fungal beta diversity in a semiarid grassland. Glob Change Biol. Accepted Author Manuscript.
Xu, Q., X. Yang, Y. Yan, S. Wang, M. Loreau, and L. Jiang. 2021. Consistently positive effect of species diversity on ecosystem, but not population, temporal stability. Ecology Letters 24: 2256-2266.
Yang, X., Y. Wang, Q. Xu, W. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Wu, L. Jiang, and J. Lu. 2021. Soil fertility underlies the positive relationship between island area and litter decomposition in a fragmented subtropical forest landscape. CATENA 204:105414.
Hu, Z., C. Chen, X. Chen, J. Yao, L. Jiang, and M. Liu. 2021. Home-field advantage in soil respiration and its resilience to drying and rewetting cycles. Science of The Total Environment 750:141736.
Zhu, J., Y. Zhang, X. Yang, N. Chen, and L. Jiang. 2020. Synergistic effects of nitrogen and CO2 enrichment on alpine grassland biomass and community structure. New Phytologist 228:1283–1294.
Yang, X., J. Tan, K. H. Sun, and L. Jiang. 2020. Experimental demonstration of the importance of keystone communities for maintaining metacommunity biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Oecologia.
Zhu, J., Y. Zhang, X. Yang, N. Chen, S. Li, P. Wang, and L. Jiang. 2020. Warming alters plant phylogenetic and functional community structure. Journal of Ecology 108:2406–2415.
Tan, J., X. Yang, Q. He, X. Hua, and L. Jiang. 2020. Earlier parasite arrival reduces the repeatability of host adaptive radiation. The ISME Journal.
Li, S., Wang, P., Chen, Y., … Jiang, L. 2020. Island biogeography of soil bacteria and fungi: similar patterns, but different mechanisms. The ISME Journal. doi: 10.1038/s41396-020-0657-8
Zhu, J., Y. Zhang, W. Wang, X. Yang, N. Chen, R. Shen, L. Wang, and L. Jiang. 2020. Species turnover drives grassland community to phylogenetic clustering over long-term grazing disturbance. Journal of Plant Ecology 13:157–164.
Wang, P., S.-P. Li, X. Yang, J. Zhou, W. Shu, and L. Jiang. 2020. Mechanisms of soil bacterial and fungal community assembly differ among and within islands. Environmental Microbiology 22:1559–1571. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14864
2019. Resource addition drives taxonomic divergence and phylogenetic convergence of plant communities. Journal of Ecology 107: 2121–2132.
, , , , , , …Zhang, Y., J. Feng, M. Loreau, N. He, X. Han, and L. Jiang. 2019. Nitrogen addition does not reduce the role of spatial asynchrony in stabilizing grassland communities. Ecology Letters 22: 563–571.
2019. Copper oxide nanoparticles promote the evolution of multicellularity in yeast. Nanotoxicology. doi: 10.1080/17435390.2018.1553253
Li, S., J. Tan, X. Yang, C. Ma, and L. Jiang. 2019. Niche and fitness differences determine invasion success and impact in laboratory bacterial communities. The ISME Journal 13:402–412. doi: 10.1038/s41396-018-0283-x
Deng, M., L. Liu, L. Jiang, W. Liu, X. Wang, S. Li, S. Yang, and B. Wang. 2018. Ecosystem scale trade-off in nitrogen acquisition pathways. Nature Ecology & Evolution 2: 1724–1734.
Zhao, N., S. Gao, H. Ren, X. Yang, Z. Sun, J. Wang, L. Jiang, and Y. Gao. 2018. Competition alters plant-soil feedbacks of two species in the Inner Mongolia Steppe, China. Plant and Soil:1–12.
Lu, J., S. Li, Y. Wu, and L. Jiang. 2018. Are Hong Kong and Taiwan stepping‐stones for invasive species to the mainland of China? Ecology and Evolution 8:1966–1973.
Yang, X., Z. Yang, J. Tan, G. Li, S. Wan, and L. Jiang. 2018. Nitrogen fertilization, not water addition, alters plant phylogenetic community structure in a semi‐arid steppe. Journal of Ecology 106:991–1000.
Xu, Z., M. Li, N. E. Zimmermann, S. Li, H. Li, H. Ren, H. Sun, X. Han, Y. Jiang, and L. Jiang. 2018. Plant functional diversity modulates global environmental change effects on grassland productivity. Journal of Ecology 106: 1941–1951.
Zhu, J., Y. Zhang, and L. Jiang. 2017. Experimental warming drives a seasonal shift of ecosystem carbon exchange in Tibetan alpine meadow. Agricultural and forest meteorology 233:242–249.
Ma, Z., H. Liu, Z. Mi, Z. Zhang, Y. Wang, W. Xu, L. Jiang, and J.-S. He. 2017. Climate warming reduces the temporal stability of plant community biomass production. Nature Communications 8:15378.
Peng, C., Y. Chen, Z. C. Pu, Q. Zhao, X. Tong, Y. S. Chen, and L. Jiang. 2017. CeO2 nanoparticles alter the outcome of species interactions. Nanotoxicology 11:625-636.
Zhang, Q., A. Buyantuev, F. Y. Li, L. Jiang, J. Niu, Y. Ding, S. Kang, and W. Ma. 2017. Functional dominance rather than taxonomic diversity and functional diversity mainly affects community aboveground biomass in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Ecology and Evolution 7:1605–1615.
Tan, J., X. Yang, and L. Jiang. 2017. Species ecological similarity modulates the importance of colonization history for adaptive radiation. Evolution 71:1719–1727.
Tan, J., J. B. Rattray, X. Yang, and L. Jiang. 2017. Spatial storage effect promotes biodiversity during adaptive radiation. Proc. R. Soc. B 284:20170841.
Miao, Y., H. Han, Y. Du, Q. Zhang, L. Jiang, D. Hui, and S. Wan. 2017. Nonlinear responses of soil respiration to precipitation changes in a semiarid temperate steppe. Scientific Reports 7:45782.
Gibbs, D. A., and L. Jiang. 2017. Environmental warming accelerates extinctions but does not alter extinction debt. Basic and Applied Ecology 24:30–40.
Pu Z, MH Cortez and L Jiang. 2017 Predator-prey coevolution drives productivity-diversity relationships in planktonic systems. American Naturalist 189: 28-42
Ojima MN and L Jiang. 2017 Interactive effects of disturbance and dispersal on community assembly. Oikos 126: 682-691
Yang Z, F Su, Z Pu, C Zhang, Q Zhang, J Xia, S Wan and L Jiang. 2017 Daytime warming lowers community temporal stability by reducing the abundance of dominant, stable species. Global Change Biology 23: 154-163.
Ma C, SP Li, Z Pu, J Tan, M Liu, J Zhou, H Li, and L Jiang. 2016.Different effects of invader-native phylogenetic relatedness on invasion success and impact: a meta-analysis of Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20160663.
Li SP, MW Cadotte, SJ Meiners, Z Pu, T Fukami, and L Jiang. 2016. Convergence and divergence in a long-term old-field succession: the importance of spatial scale and species abundance. Ecology Letters 19: 1101-1109.
Tan J, MR Slattery, X Yang and L Jiang. 2016. Phylogenetic context determines the role of competition in adaptive radiation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20160241.
Johnston N, Z Pu, and L Jiang. 2016. Predator identity influences metacommunity assembly. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 1161-1170.
Zhang W, Z Pu, S Du, Y Chen, and L Jiang. 2016. Fate of engineered cerium oxide nanoparticles in an aquatic environment and their toxicity toward 14 ciliated protist species. Environmental Pollution 212: 584-591.
Yang Z, L Jiang, F Su, Q Zhang, J Xia, and S Wan. 2016. Nighttime warming enhances drought resistance of plant communities in a temperate steppe. Scientific Reports 6: 23267
Zhao C, Y Miao, C Yu, L Zhu, F Wang, L Jiang, D Hui and S Wan. 2016. Soil microbial community composition and respiration along an experimental precipitation gradient in a semiarid steppe. Scientific Reports 6: 24317
Nemergut DR, JE Knelman, S Ferrenberg, T Bilinski, B Melbourne, L Jiang, C Violle, JL Darcy, T Prest, SK Schmidt and AR Townsend. 2016. Decreases in average bacterial community rRNA operon copy number during succession. The ISME Journal 10: 1147-1156.
Wilson, MC, XY Chen, RT Corlett, RK Didham, P Ding, RD Holt, M Holyoak, G Hu, AC Hughes, L Jiang, WF Laurance, J Liu, SL Pimm, SK Robinson, SE Russo, X Si, DS Wilcove, J. Wu and M Yu. 2016. Habitat fragmentation and biodiversity conservation: key findings and future challenges. Landscape Ecology 31: 219-227.
Xu Z, H Ren, MH Li, J van Ruijven, X Han, S Wan, H Li, Q Yu, Y Jiang and L Jiang. 2015 Environmental changes drive the temporal stability of semi-arid natural grasslands through altering species asynchrony. Journal of Ecology 103: 1308-1316.
Li SP, MW Cadotte, SJ Meiners, Z Shuang, L Jiang and W Shu. 2015. Species colonization, not competitive exclusion, drives community overdispersion over long-term succession. Ecology Letters 18: 964-973.
Zhang X, W Lu, G Zhang, L Jiang and X Han. 2015. Mechanisms of soil acidification reducing bacterial diversity. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 81: 275-281.
Pu Z, and L Jiang. 2015. Dispersal among local communities does not reduce historical contingencies during metacommunity assembly. Oikos 124: 1327-1336.
Tan J, Z Pu, WA Ryberg and L Jiang. 2015. Resident-invader phylogenetic relatedness, not resident phylogenetic diversity, controls community invasibility. American Naturalist 186: 59-71.
Zhu J, L Jiang, Y Zhang, Y Jiang, J Tao, T Zhang and Y Xi. 2015. Belowground competition drives the self-thinning process of populations in the Northern Tibet. Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 166-174.
Qian H, and L Jiang. 2014. Phylogenetic community ecology: integrating community ecology and evolutionary biology. Journal of Plant Ecology 7: 97-100
Zhang X, W Lu, G Zhang, L Jiang and X Han. 2015. Mechanisms of soil acidification reducing bacterial diversity. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 81: 275-281.
Pu, Z and L Jiang. 2015. Dispersal among local communities does not reduce historical contingencies during metacommunity assembly. Oikos 124: 1327-1336.
Zhu J, L Jiang, Y Zhang, Y Jiang, J Tao, T Zhang and Y Xi. 2015. Belowground competition drives the self-thinning process of populations in the Northern Tibet. Journal of Vegetation Science 26: 166-174.
Qian, H and L Jiang. 2014. Phylogenetic community ecology: integrating community ecology and evolutionary biology. Journal of Plant Ecology 7: 97-100
Pu, Z., P Daya, J Tan and L Jiang. 2014. Phylogenetic diversity stabilizes community biomass. Journal of Plant Ecology 7: 176-187
Liu, W., L Jiang, S Hu, L Li, L Liu and S Wan. 2014. Decoupling of soil microbes and plants with increasing anthropogenic nitrogen inputs in a temperate steppe. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 72: 116-122.
Ren, H., Z Xu, W Zhang, L Jiang, J Huang, S Chen, L Wang and X Han. 2013. Linking ethylene to nitrogen-dependent leaf longevity of grass species in a temperate steppe. Annals of Botany 112: 1879-1885.
Tan, J., CK Kelly, and L Jiang. 2013. Temporal niche promotes biodiversity during adaptive radiation. Nature Communications 4: 2102.
Ferrenberg, S., S O’Neill, J Knelman, B Todd, S Duggan, D Bradley, T Robinson, SK Schmidt, AR Townsend, M Williams, CC Cleveland, B Melbourne, L Jiang and DR Nemergut. 2013. Changes in assembly processes in soil microbial communities following a wildfire disturbance. The ISME Journal 7: 1102-1011.
Li, K. G., Y Chen, W Zhang, Z Pu, L Jiang, and YS Chen. 2012. Surface interactions affect the toxicity of engineered metal oxide nanoparticles toward Paramecium. Chemical Research in Toxicology 25:1675-1681.
Violle, C., BJ Enquist, BJ McGill, L Jiang, CH Albert, C Hulshof, V Jung, and J Messier. 2012. Viva la variance! A reply to Nakagawa & Schielzeth. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 27:475-476.
Yang H., L. Jiang, L. Li, A. Li, M. Wu and S. Wan. 2012. Diversity-dependent stability under mowing and nutrient addition: evidence from a seven-year grassland experiment. Ecology Letters, 15: 619-626.
Tan J, Z Pu, WA Ryberg and L Jiang. 2012. Species phylogenetic relatedness, priority effects, and ecosystem functioning. Ecology, 93: 1164-1172. Faculty of 1000 Biology recommended paper.
Violle C, BJ Enquist, BJ McGill, L Jiang, CH Albert, C Hulshof, V Jung and J Messier. 2012. The return of the variance: intraspecific variability in community ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 27: 244-252.
Jiang L, L Brady and J Tan. 2011. Species diversity, invasion, and alternative community states in sequentially assembled communities. American Naturalist, 178: 411-418.
Violle C, DR Nemergut, Z Pu and L Jiang. 2011. Phylogenetic limiting similarity and competitive exclusion. Ecology Letters, 14:782-787. Faculty of 1000 Biology recommended paper.
Jiang L, H Joshi, SK Flakes and Y Jung. 2011. Alternative community compositional and dynamical states: the dual consequences of assembly history. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 577-585.
Lu J, L Jiang, L Yu and Q Sun. 2011. Local factors determine community structure on closely neighbored islands. PLoS ONE 6(5): e19762.
Nemergut DR, EK Costello, M Hamady, C Lozupone, L Jiang, SK Schmidt, N Fierer, AR Townsend, CC Cleveland, L Stanish, and R Knight. 2011. Global patterns in the biogeography of bacterial taxa. Environmental Microbiology 13:135-144.
Violle C, Z Pu, and L Jiang. 2010. Experimental demonstration of the importance of competition under disturbance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 107:12925-12929.
Jiang L, J Tan and Z Pu. 2010. An experimental test of Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis. American Naturalist 175: 415-423. Faculty of 1000 Biology recommended paper.
Jiang L and Z Pu. 2009. Different effects of species diversity on temporal stability in single-trophic and multi-trophic communities. American Naturalist 174: 651-659.
Wang H, L Jiang and JS Weitz. 2009. Bacterivorous grazers facilitate organic matter decomposition: a stoichiometric modeling approach. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 69: 170-179.
Violle C and L Jiang. 2009. Towards a trait-based quantification of species niche. Journal of Plant Ecology 2: 87-93.
Jiang L, S Wan and L Li. 2009. Species diversity and productivity: why do results of diversity-manipulation experiments differ from natural patterns? Journal of Ecology 97: 603-608.
Jiang L. 2009. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: beyond complementarity and positive selection effects. Pages 38-57 in Wu J and J Yang (eds), Lectures in Modern Ecology (IV): Theory and Applications. Higher Education Press, Beijing.
Jiang L, H Joshi and SN Patel. 2009. Predation alters relationships between biodiversity and temporal stability. American Naturalist 173: 389-399.
Jiang L and SN Patel. 2008. Community assembly in the presence of disturbance: a microcosm experiment. Ecology 89: 1931-1940.
Jiang L, Z Pu, and DR Nemergut. 2008. On the importance of the negative selection effect for the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Oikos 117: 488-493.
2007 and earlier
Jiang L and PJ Morin. 2007. Temperature fluctuation facilitates coexistence of competing species in experimental microbial communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 76: 660-668.
Jiang L. 2007. Negative selection effects suppress relationships between bacterial diversity and ecosystem functioning in experimental bacterial communities. Ecology 88: 1075-1085.
Jiang L. 2007. Density compensation can cause no effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning. Oikos 126: 324-334.
Jiang L and JA Krumins 2006. Consumer versus environmental productivity control of bacterial diversity and bacteria-mediated organic matter decomposition. Oikos 114: 441-450.
Jiang L and JA Krumins 2006. Emergent multiple predator effects in an experimental microbial community. Ecological Research 21: 723-731.
Jiang L, O Schofield, and PG Falkowski 2005. Adaptive evolution of phytoplankton cell size. American Naturalist 166: 496-505.
Shi T, TS Bibby, L Jiang, AJ Irwin and PG Falkowski 2005. Protein interactions limit the rate of evolution of photosynthetic genes in cyanobacteria. Molecular Biology and Evolution 22: 2179-2189.
Jiang L and PJ Morin. 2005. Predator diet breadth influences the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down control of prey biomass and diversity. American Naturalist 165: 350-363. Faculty of 1000 Biology recommended paper.
Jiang L and PJ Morin. 2004. Productivity gradients cause positive diversity-invasibility relationships in microbial communities. Ecology Letters 7: 1047-1057.
Jiang L and N Shao. 2004. Red environmental noise and the appearance of delayed density dependence in age-structured populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, series B 271: 1059-1064.
Jiang L and PJ Morin. 2004. Temperature-dependent interaction explains unexpected responses to environmental warming in communities of competitors. Journal of Animal Ecology 73: 569-576.
Jiang L and A Kulczycki. 2004. Competition, predation, and responses to environmental change. Oikos 106: 217-224.
Jiang L and N Shao. 2003. Autocorrelated exogenous factors and the detection of delayed density dependence. Ecology 84: 2208-2213.
Petchey OL, TM Casey, L Jiang, PT McPhearson, and J Price. 2002. Species richness, environmental fluctuations, and temporal change in total community biomass. Oikos 99: 231-240.