Xian Yang recently published her work on the effects of forest fragment size on leaf litter decomposition and the mechanisms underlying the litter decomposition-island area relationship in CATENA and her collaborative work with our visiting scholar Dr. Weixing Liu entitled “Long-term nitrogen input alters plant and soil bacterial, but not fungal beta diversity in a semiarid grassland” in Global Change Biology.
Find her work at:
Yang, X., Y. Wang, Q. Xu, W. Liu, L. Liu, Y. Wu, L. Jiang, and J. Lu. 2021. Soil fertility underlies the positive relationship between island area and litter decomposition in a fragmented subtropical forest landscape. CATENA 204:105414. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2021.105414
Liu, W., Liu, L., Yang, X., Deng, M., Wang, Z., Wang, P., Yang, S., Li, P., Peng, Z., Yang, L. and Jiang, L. 2021. Long-term nitrogen input alters plant and soil bacterial, but not fungal beta diversity in a semiarid grassland. Glob Change Biol. Accepted Author Manuscript. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15681
Qianna Xu also published her meta-analysis on the relationship between species diversity and temporal stability in Ecology Letters:
Xu, Q., X. Yang, Y. Yan, S. Wang, M. Loreau, and L. Jiang. 2021. Consistently positive effect of species diversity on ecosystem, but not population, temporal stability. Ecology Letters. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13777
Congratulations everyone!