Jess Vorse, an undergraduate student from the College of Wooster, presented her research project, which was conducted in our Lab, at the final REU student research symposium today. During the summer, Jess investigated the effects of habitat fragmentation on species diversity, community assembly, and ecosystem functions with freshwater protist communities assembled in laboratory microcosms.
Jess is a student who participated in the NSF-sponsored summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. The REU program provides great opportunities for undergraduate students to gain hands-on experience in scientific research with faculty members. In a course of 10 weeks, the REU student will work with faculty and graduate students to design an independent research project, carry it out, and present the results at a final symposium to a broader audience.
Online applications of the REU program opens early December. Each successful applicant will receive a stipend, plus accommodation. For more information, visit